Dorset Chimney Bird Nest Guide: Article Two
What birds are likely to nest in your Dorset Chimney?
Jackdaw - Corvus monedula
A smart looking, black, medium sized bird in the same family as crows and rooks. They can be distinguished by the sheen of the feathers on the back of their head and their pale blue eyes.
Jackdaws are by far the most common bird to nest in chimneys in the UK. They like to make nests out of 2 layers with the first being made of flexible sticks. The way they build their nest is quite ingenious - they take the middle of the stick in their beaks and force it down the chimney so that the edges bend upwards. They proceed down the chimney this way until the stick either gets stuck, or slips and falls down to the fireplace. Once a stick has become lodged in the flue, they gather more sticks and force them down to the same point. The tension in the sticks forms a solid weight-bearing base for the nest, themselves and their chicks. The second layer is made up of anything they can find to fill the gaps and insulate the nest.

House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
A small, mostly brown, highly sociable bird that goes ‘cheep’ a lot.
They like to perch in bushes and trees around houses and also like to nest close to one another. House sparrows might seem common enough but are in fact on the ‘red list’ on RSPB’s birds of conservation concern as they have suffered an estimated 71% decline in numbers between 1977 and 2008. House sparrows are unlikely to nest in your chimney and are much more likely to nest in your attic, eaves, in a nest box in the garden, or even amongst ivy growing on your house.
A thank you from Jim Chim-in-ey
I would like to thank Ecologist, Edward Parrott for taking the time to share his knowledge and expertise for this fantastic insite into Dorset birds..Useful links
Recommended article: #7 ways to tell if your firewood is seasoned and ready to burn
This article was written by Jim Chim-in-ey,
An insurance approved chimney sweep
JC sweeps all open fires, wood burners and stoves.
Covering Bournemouth, Poole, Blandford Forum and Dorset.