The primary reason for chimney sweeping and appliance servicing is to reduce the risk of chimney and house fires. Last year in the UK over 9,000 homes were destroyed as a result of chimney fires, emphasising the need for chimney sweeping.

Secondary reasons for the sweeping of flues are to ensure that toxic exhaust gases like Carbon Monoxide have a clear passage up the chimney and not back into your home. Deaths through carbon monoxide poisoning are common; so make sure you get your chimney swept regularly!
Not only will a Jim Chim-in-ey, chimney Sweep eliminate the build up of soot and creosote from coal, wood, oil and gas fired appliances, but the sweep will also clear obstructions such as birds nests, building debris, leaves and cobwebs. For those of you with a wood-burning stove, Jim Chim-in-ey can give your appliance a seal test to check if your appliance requires resealing.